Friday, March 26, 2010

ORACLE DBA SQL*Plus Questions

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages, compared to the standard SQL and SQL*Plus?

2. Read the exercise. This block has not any compilation errors, sometimes it can have run time errors. How can you trap the errors and how can I force to execute the everytimes the line B := 10 ; ? Declare
A number ;
B number ;
select Col
into A
from tab
where col2 = 'Constant' ;
B := 10 ;
end ;

3. How to display the loop counter at the screen in a PL/SQL loop?

4. How can I display a LONG column? What are the maximum value, how to bypass then?

5. What is the first information displayed when you connect in sqlplus between sqlplus scott/tiger@db
and SQL>

6. If you execute the following commands, why in the same session have I different answer?
select 'count=' || to_char ( count ( 1 ) ) from tab where Col = 1 ;
select 'count=' || to_char ( count ( 1 ) ) from tab where Col = 2 ;
select 'count=' || to_char ( count ( 1 ) ) from tab ;

7. How can I have consistency and what are the locks ?

8. Explain the following term by a sentence

9. What are the differences betwen tkprof and explain plan?

10. What is an instance and what is a data base ?

11. When start and end a transaction ?

12. What are the database control command language? Give examples.

13. What is a view what are the problems and the benefits of it?

14. What happens in this example?
Create table a ( a number ) ;
Create view V_A as select * from a ;
Alter table a add ( b number ) ;
Alter table a modify ( a not null ) ;
select * from from V_A ;

15. What is a database link what are the problems and the benefits of it ?
select T1.col1 , T2.col2
from TAB1 T1 , TAB2@link2 T2
where T1.col1 = T2.col1
order by T2.col1 ;

16. Look at the queries, in rules base mode does Oracle use the index in the following case?
select .... from tab1 where colonne * 13.85 > 100000 /* column NUMBER */ ;
select .... from tab1 where colonne not > 10000 /* column NUMBER */ ;
select .... from tab1 where colonne = 123 /* column CHAR */ ;
select .... from tab1 where trunc ( colonne ) = trunc ( sysdate ) /* column date */ ;
select .... from tab1 where rowid = '000001D3.0000.0001' ;
select .... from tab1 where substr ( colonne , 1 , 5 ) = 'MAIN:' /* column CHAR */ ;
select .... from tab1 where colonne not in ( select colonne from tab1 where col2 = 123 ) ; /* col2
number */ ;

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ORACLE DBA Interview Questions and Answers

ORACLE DBA Interview Questions and Answers was created by Naveen Kumar and Vivaan Kumar working as professional bloggers and also working as Network admins, we created Oracle DBA Interview blog to help people who after a good knowledge alos fails to face the interview.